We are delighted to invite you to join us for a1-hour virtual presentation and technology demo on Wednesday 29th September 2021 at 3pm UK time.
Central data repositories and metadata-generated automation offer significant potential to increase efficiency in clinical analytics and accelerate drug development. However, many organisations are yet to fully harness the potential of these tools.
At Shafi Consultancy we have built up a track record in creating efficient metadata-driven methods to dramatically reduce programming time, improve oversight, and enhance traceability.
Join us for the session and learn:
· Why defining automation objectives at the outset is a missed opportunity for many organisations
· How implementing practical solutions may be more accessible than we think
· How technology can enable organisations to resource more efficiently and cost-effectively
· Welcome and Introduction
· Presentation: Defining your automation objectives and assessing practical solutions
· Practical Demo of Metalytics metadata-driven clinical trial reporting tool
· Q&A
Click here to register your attendance
About the presenter:
Shafi Chowdhury holds an MSc. in Statistics and has almost 30 years’ experience in clinical SAS programming. He founded Shafi Consultancy Limited in 2001 and supports a range of CROs and sponsors with statistical programming services and applications development. He is a recognised thought leader in statistical programming innovation with a particular interest in harnessing metadata-driven automation to streamline clinical trial reporting. He regularly presents his insights at PhUSE events and other industry conferences.